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About Me

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Portland, Oregon, United States
Im a 23 year old devoted father and boyfriend to two young outstandingly wonderful girls; I'm recently engaged and looking foward to a new member of our family. I believe each day presents the funniest of situations, even in it's cruelness. My joy and entertainment comes from my 3 and half year-old daughter. My positve outlook shapes my days to petrude happinies.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Back on the Grizzy

Yeah boy/ been a long time since I left/ still dope as fresh/ with a hat to match/ get get geatme boiy!!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Ready....Deep Breath.....Lets Go.....

Jess N Sara's wedding- Had a blast, delivered the best "best man" toast in history (thank you professor Michal G. Paccione) danced with an angel (avery), witnessed my brother truly happy, danced with my parents, and even kept my shirt on....

July- summer heat was no match Avery and Mine's temperate curing game of "spray me Momma, Spray Me Momma" Its where I stand in the backyard and Avery and Hill get to spray me with Cold Hose Water...and yes I have been Known to strip down to My Whitey Tideys....4th of JULY- celebrated the only way i know how: good friends, good BBQ, good Firworks, Good Corona; Blue Lake melts my heart every year on that summer night; poets couldnt describe the feeling that comes over me as the sun begins its lasts grasps ....find me a better holiday than the 4th and I'll show you a punch to the face....UNFORTUNATELY not all summer was full of play....my SUMMER WORK- email that i sent to friends and family proved to be very profitable: within two weeks of my email looking for extra sidejobs i had earned over $400!!! Yup the American Dream Lives on; even for hard working citizens who dont have the priveldge of being illegal immigrants...lol my jack of all trades summer work included: pressure-washing, fence-building, gutter-cleaning,house-sitting,laying-rock,laying-barkdust,more pressure-washing, and a bunch of other jobs i could hyph-enate.

BIRTHDAY POOL PARTY- Hey Kids? DO you like birthday parties?!? Well Guess what? Birthday parties are:(Avery's at least) Hard Work, Time Consuming, money busting, Over the top, over too fast, not over fast enough, AND all about YOU!!.... Heres a pic.... Next year Weare taking Avery to McDonalds, thats it.

AUGUST- Camp Kiwanis, Camp Camp Kiwanis.... Oh yeah that's right Papa Q. Bear served as a Camp Counselor for special needs youth and adults on Mt. Hood. It was a great experience, and it was my senior project at PSU.... i got to meet a bunch of great people and spent most of the 2 full weeks at Lake Trillium......and can i just say a quick thing about that place.....LAKE TRILLIUM- truly one of my favorite places in Oregon; hill, Ave, and some close friends have camped there the past 3 summers. The lake is nice and cool, the view is surreal and the days just seem a lil more crisp...I am already planning this years trip...COME the More the Better!!!

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Jes' N Sara's Wedding!!!

History was made; 2 of the most dominant families in Portland History were united; Time stood still; the drive of mankind was rewarded with an elegant bride of decadence.

Yes! My big bro (Jes) and his wife (Sar) celebrated with a lavishly relaxing wedding! The festivities were held at the Old Church in the LaurelHurst Area. The heat did not bring down how cool Jes and Sar looked; after a quick ceremony they happy couple departed to the sounds of Irish (or Scottish) bagpipes; man could they Blow!

From there the wedding brigade headed across the river to dine, eat, and masticate at The Embassy Suites. This fine establishmnet was perfect for the occasion; Jes N Sar, had great food anad great music throughout the wedding; the dancing was great and the best' man's speech was stellar, or so i was told. ( I tried to post it; but it was too long)

Here's Some Pics of the weeks events: ENJOY!!! ConGrats Jes N Sar!!!!

Monday, June 30, 2008

Jess N Sara's Wild Wedding!!!!

It was so much fun......How Did I do?? React to me and let me know?!?

Sunday, June 15, 2008

....breaking news.... DINOSAURS Still Alive.....

This past Friday to Celelbrate Ave's last day at PSU Pre School the entire class and Willing Parents had a chance to Visit the Oregon Zoo!......I Know What You're probably Thinking: "Its still the same old Zoo", The Tigers never come out of cave", "they charge you $5.50 for a greasy Elephant Ear", and "the bathrooms smell like a diaper or bigfoot's D***" Well thats not all entirely true. They only charge you $4.50; and the bathrooms...well.....yeah lets just move along.

MORNING: we all woke up early and started the day off right with some Maple Bars and Sunny D from Safeway; ( I have a theory about maple bars.... maybe I'll expand in another post) It was interesting to see Ave interact with the other kids when we first got there; she was being very shy just cuz dear old dad was there... ( already embarrassed of her Pops). NOTE: Ave's two teachers said she made great strides since January, and has become an outgoing vibrant personality who helps out with the new "new" kids in the pre-school. The kids were ecstatic about taking the Streetcar and MAX to the Zoo; you forget how that type of stuff just blows their mind! Also the tunnel system that stops off at the ZOO is amazing; if you Havent checked out whats going on down there, then make a trip it is very state of the art.

AFTERNOON: Ave and lil school friends were ecstatic to finally be there; they passed time in line by imitating their favorite zoo animals. The cool thing about a ZOO trip withe kids this age 3-5; they were just glad to be there, they didn't mind the lines, or get upset when the tiger was completely out of view the whole time; they just excitedly ran from one exhibit to the next.

DINOSAURS: The Oregon ZOO has succesfully brought the Dinos back from the dead!!! This walking tour featured over 15 Dinosaurs; they were very realistic and very large. Complete with sound effects and a "spitting" Dinosaur that sprays water. The funniest part of this DINO tour was when and I forgot what it must be like to be a 4 year old; but pretty much all the kids were terrified of the T-REX; one girl was in tears; they were so nervous about getting too close to it. HA! I Have to admit, for a 4 year old it would be overwhelming.

After lunch the kids said their farewells and shared hugs and hopes for a good summer. Ave really came to enjoy Pre-School; she always demanded that we park on the "tip top" of the parking garage and walk across the sky bridge to get to her classroom....And she never forgot to remind us to pick her up at 1:30 before nap time!!!

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Thanks 4 Coming, This Is Why You're Here

Greetings Friends, Family, and those in Between....

I just Wanted to Take A Quick Moment to Play Informer; you come to this blog for two reasons: (or rather This Is My Ideal Hope Of Why You Chose to Visit) 1) to have, view, share a laugh and 2) to catch insights on my life and times as a young father.
Initially When I created This Blog months ago the blog title " Parenting in The Rose City" was just some weird, kinda cheesy line that just popped into my head.... as time passed i began to like the way it looked, sounded and the feelings it elicited from myself. In Retrospect I'm Glad I chose that title. For this reason; everyday i laugh or smile because of Ave, everyday the roles, challenges, experiences of being a parent leave me delightfully shaking my head, everyday a little person needs me to provide advice, knowledge, protection, silly-ness, and much more. And everyday i think to myself i wish i could remember every funny thing she said,every quirky question she asked, every imaginative conclusion she reached, every song she sang, every stride she made, every connection that clicked, and every time that she makes us sit back, smile and laugh.
There it is, in a nutshell; thats my goal for this blog; to share with you my life as a parent. It is not for "networking", meeting old friends, facebooking Hotties, or posting my Keg-stand Videos. So Please come check it out sporadically for a laugh or a sneak peek. ( I'm trying to post more)
Joseph Q. Bear

Oops.....Clearly this blog also follows some of my favorite sports passions. Such as Timbers, Ducks, and so On. Anything that has to do with Local sporting Entertainment may find its way to this here site. Enjoy!!!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Its OFFICIAL....I've Jumped The Shark

So blogging for me has officially jumped the shark, Yes I am actually blogging live in real time from class....... here's a quick run down:

Course: Family Mediation ( weekend Session) "get in, get out"
Profess: Nice Lady, soft voice, Chances are you could strike her in the Trachea with a wiffle-ball-bat- and she'd likely say " mmm k let's talk about what you just did To me mmm k.?"
"Blind wheel-Chair Guy"- The dude is blind and hunched over in flipping sweet electric wheel chair; two best things about this guy 1) he has the most concise, meaningful comments about the class, 2) his guide dog looks amazingly identical to the Doberman that Snoop Dog Morphs into his early 90's rap videos..... I'm just waiting for that guide dog to pass out from doing it Doggystyle all nite.... You know that dog got plenty of B****** after that video aired!! "Rich Middle Eastern Hottie"- Swear to god, In the three days this olive tanned, dark haired, Dolce & Gabbana wearing Metrosexual has probably dropped $50 on Starbucks coffee, pastries, and the eco friendly "ethos" water... guaranteed he probably smokes a pack of Turkish jades a day.

FINAL THOUGHTS: Class was 3 days, all day on SAT & SUN; got to go to farmers market yesterday, that's always neat. Hardest part was waking up Early to be here; laid back class: LASTLY;Got me out of the house, met a cool teacher, and likely will get an A for 2 Credits...Sweet as Candy!!!